Roof Water Proofing

1000 square feet roof in 36 hours.

German Technology

KTC Terroseal | KTC Fiber Mash | KTC Water Proofing Compound | KTC Readyplast | KTC Crack Filler | KTC Building Guard.

KTC Terroseal penetrates deep inside the pores and prevents the water entry completely. The KTC Terroseal Glass Fiber Mesh over the surface covering vertical side walls. KTC Water Proofing Compound creates a hydrophobic barrier for water and insulates the surface from heat and cold.

1. Water dripping from the roof in the rainy and damp weather rid forever.
2. In summer session terrace will cool.
3. Roof is safe from the weight detachment of tiles.
4. Lighting can be made to the ceiling.
5. Weather proof environment.


Step 1

Cleaning the surface: Surface must be free from dust, oil, grease and loose particles etc.

Step 2

Repair the damage surface if any with KTC Terroseal Crack filler with the help of putty blade.

Step 3

Application of KTC Terroseal: Once cracks are filled and the surface is prepared, moisten the surface and apply KTC Terroseal evenly over the surface. KTC Terroseal penetrates deep inside the pores and prevents the water entry completely.

Step 4

Application of KTC Terroseal Glass Fiber Mesh: Apply the KTC Terroseal Glass Fiber Mesh over the surface covering vertical side walls. After spreading mesh, second coat of KTC Terroseal has to be applied uniformly. Mesh provides strength to the water proofing due to its tensile strength.

Step 5

Application of KTC water proofing compound: prepare a paste of KTC Water Proofing Compound with pure water and apply with trowel. It creates a hydrophobic barrier for water and insulates the surface from heat and cold.

Step 6

Application of KTC Terroseal Building Guard: After drying of surface apply KTC Terroseal Building Guard with the help of brush or roller and allow it to dry fir 24 hours. It seals the surface and repels the water.

Work Processing Images

Step 1

KTC Roof Water Proofing Therapy

Step 2

KTC Roof Water Proofing Therapy

Step 3

KTC Roof Water Proofing Therapy

Step 4

KTC Roof Water Proofing Therapy

Step 5

KTC Roof Water Proofing Therapy

Step 6

KTC Roof Water Proofing Therapy